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Próximos Eventos

Site Oficial The Amazonian Symposium on Physics (ASP) is an introductory to mid-level symposium...

Official website The I Gravitas School on Gravity and Fields is an event organized by the...

    Site Oficial    The Physics Meeting in Amazonia (PMA) is an introductory to...

Webinários PPGF

Prof. John Cromwell Mather - Progress towards Opening the Infrared Treasure Chest with JWST

Vídeo novo!

Profs. Anderson Gomes e Ernesto Raposo - Vidros de Spins e outros sistemas complexos

Prof. Phillip James Edwin Peebles -Lessons from Cosmology and Sociology on the Philosophy of Science

Entrevistas UFPA

Entrevista com o Prof. Nelson Studart Filho - Parte I

Interview with Anthony James Leggett (2003 Physics Nobel Prize Laureate) - Pt. II

Interview with Anthony James Leggett (2003 Physics Nobel Prize Laureate) - Pt. I

Vídeos em destaque

Série "Faça Física!" - Dinâmica (Português - BR)

Series "Do Physics!" - Looking to the past (English)

Série "Faça Física!" - Olhando para o passado (Português - BR)

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